16. Social Networking
A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses
on building and reflecting of social networks or social relationships among
people who share interests and/or activities.
To access the Social networking services on the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY,
follow these steps:
(1) Make sure The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY has an active Internet
connection, as all of the services in this menu require online access. If you
do not currently have an active Internet connection, you can set 1 up using
the "Setup internet" dialog in the "Utilities" menu. Note: To set up an Internet
connection, you must have Internet access available via a Wi-Fi network or
LAN connection.
(2) Press the short cut key, "c" from the "program" menu. Or use the
navigation keys to move to "social networking" and press "Enter".
16.1 Available Social Networking services
The Social networking menu on the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY provides
access to the following services:
1) Twitter (t)
2) Google talk (g)
3) Msn messenger (n)
Accounts for these services should be created via the websites for each
service before attempting to use the service on the Braille Sense U2
For Twitter: please visit www.twitter.com.
For GoogleTalk: go to www.google.com.
For MSN Messenger: visit www.msn.com.