(2) Enter the control character. For example: "l" for Form Feed (FF) or "i"
for TAB in alphabetical order.
(3) The control character is entered into the Braille document. Searching for a Control character
You can also search for control characters in Braille documents. To search
for a control character, follow these steps.
(1) From within a Braille document, press "Ctrl-Space".
(2) "Text to find" is displayed.
(3) Press "Fn-Space” and "control character" is announced.
(4) Enter the control character for which you want to search.
(5) Press "Enter" to search for the control character.
2.9 Multi Tasking
Unique to the Sense notetakers is their ability to run up to seven tasks at
once. The ability to run multiple applications simultaneously is referred to
as multi-tasking. For example, you can work with the Word Processor while
listening to music, and place calculations into a document at the same time.
To continue with the example of the Word Processor and Media Player,
open the Media Player and play a music file. While the audio is playing,
press the "win key" key to bring up the "Program" menu and launch the
Word Processor.
You cannot run more than seven applications at the same time. If you try to
run a program that is currently running, The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY
does not open a new instance of the program, but rather, returns you to the
instance of the program that is already running. For example, while working
with a document called "Notes" you decide to execute the "File Manager."
Next, you navigate to a document called "journal" in the file list and press
"Enter." The Word Processor does not load a second time, but rather,
"journal" is opened in the same instance of the Word Processor in which