schedule by subject. For example, if you have an appointment on January 1,
2007 and it recurs the first day of every month, the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY shows this schedule on January 1, 2007 only when you search by
Press "Enter" on an appointment to read the details. Press "Esc" to return to
the appointment list. TO SEARCH other keywords, press “Tab” to move to
the "Search subject" edit box.
7.6 Modify Schedule
You can modify an appointment that you have previously scheduled. Move
to the appointment you want to modify. Open the menu by pressing “Alt” and
press "Enter" on "Modify Schedule", or press the shortcut key "m" from the
menu. Or you can press its hot key, "Ctrl-m" from the search results list. If
the appointment is a recurring schedule, a prompt, displaying "Recurrence
appointment. Open type?" appears. Choose whether you want to modify the
recurring schedule or the schedule for a specific day. If you select "This
occurrence", your changes affect the appointment of the day, but the
recurring appointments on other days are not changed. If you select "The
series", your changes affect all the recurrences. If you select "Cancel",
"Modify Schedule" dialog is not opened and you are returned to your last
position. Make your selection by pressing "Space" or "Backspace". Press
"Enter" to open the "Modify Schedule" dialog. This dialog contains the same
controls as in the "Add Schedule" dialog. The only difference is that each
field has the value entered previously. If you have made changes you wish
to save, tab to "Confirm" and press "Enter".
7.7 Deleting a Schedule
To delete a schedule, move to the schedule in the search results list. Press
“Alt” to open the menu, and press "Enter" on "Delete Schedule". Or you can
press its hot key, "Del" from the search results list. If the selected schedule is
a recurring schedule, you are prompted, "Recurring appointment. Delete