8) The dialog is opened and "Account name:" is displayed. Type the name
by which you want to identify the e-mail account: (example, "Gmail" or "work
9) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "Display name". Type the "Display
name" in the edit box. This name is the name people will see when they
receive an e-mail from you.
10) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "Logon username". Type the
"Logon username" in the computer edit box using computer Braille. (Ex:
Sense or [email protected]). Note: some providers require you to use
the entire e-mail address as the username, while others may use the part of
the address before the at-sign. BE sure you type the username correctly for
your e-mail provider.
11) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "Password". Type the "password"
in the computer edit box using computer Braille. Note: the password is
hidden, and thus displays as asterisks. Be sure to type carefully as you
cannot review your password.
12) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "E-mail address". Type your "E-
mail address" in the computer edit box using computer Braille. (Ex:
[email protected])
13) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "Incoming POP3 server". Type
the "Incoming POP3 server" in the computer edit box using computer Braille.
(Ex: mail.hims-inc.com). Check with your Internet account provider or
network administrator to find out what you should use as the Incoming POP3
14) Press “down arrow button”, to move to "Outgoing SMTP server". Type
the "Outgoing SMTP server" in the computer edit box using computer Braille.
Check with your Internet account provider or network administrator to find
out what you should use as the Outgoing SMTP server.
15) Press "Tab", move to "Confirm" button.
16) Press "Enter" on the "Confirm" button.
17) The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY exits to "Account name list" and shows
the added account name (Ex: Account name: Braille Sense U2 QWERTY
18) When you finish adding accounts, press "Alt-F4" to exit to the "Inbox".