U2 QWERTY. Use "F5" to toggle the speech on and off. Press "F4" to
toggle the Braille on and off. Please refer to section 3.2.1 in this user
manual for more information.
2.8 Entering Text (modify)
When you use the word processor on the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY,
how to Input character in the Braille document is different. Braille Sense U2
QWERTY keyboard is input type of Braille Keyboard in Braille document.
For input like Braille keyboard, “F” corresponds to the dot 1 and “D”
corresponds to the dot 2, “S” corresponds to the dot 3, “J” corresponds to
the dot 4, “K” corresponds to the dot 5, “L” corresponds dot 6 in the Braille
Sense U2 QWERTY Keyboard. In order to type capitalization character,
you need to type dot 6-L in front of the character.
For example, when you input ‘sea’ in the Braille Document, press “D-S-J”
corresponds to “s” (dot 2-3-4). Then, press “F-K” corresponds to “e” (dot 1-
5) and press “F” corresponds to “a” (dot 1).
2.8.1 Inputting/searching for Control characters
Control characters are codes in a character set, which do not in themselves
represent written symbols in computing. For example, all entries in the
ASCII table below code 32 such as Form Feed (FF), TAB, and Carriage
Return (CR). You can input and search for control characters in Braille
documents. Inputting Control characters
Control characters can only be entered in Braille documents. To enter
control characters in Braille documents, follow these steps.
(1) From within a Braille document, press "Ctrl-Space". "Control character"
is announced to alert you to the fact that the next character you enter
should be a control character.