1) File name: A combo edit box, in which to enter your desired file name.
The default is "Timeline name current date". For example, "Home Timeline
2) Confirm: Press this button to save the current timeline.
3) Cancel: Use this button to exit the "Save Current Timeline" dialog and
return to the "Tweet" dialog.
4) File List: A file browser control in which you can change the storage path.
If you do not change the storage path, the file is automatically stored in the
"My Documents" folder in the flashdisk.
16.3 Google talk
Google Talk is a messaging service that allows you to text or voice chat in
real time with other Google Talk users as well as easily and quickly send
files to your Google Talk contacts.
To launch Google Talk, do the following:
1) From the main menu, press "c" or move to "Social Networking" using
“down arrow button” and press "Enter".
2) Press "g" or move to "Google Talk" and press "Enter".
16.3.1 Before you launch Google Talk
To use the Google Talk service, you must have a Gmail account. If you do
not have a Gmail account, visit the Gmail website (http://gmail.google.com)
and create a Gmail account. If you have a Gmail account registered, you can
use your Gmail ID and password to log into Google Talk.
You must also have an active connection to the Internet to use Google Talk, Sign In