To launch MSN messenger, from the "Social Networking" menu, press the
short cut key, "n". Or press “up arrow button” or “down arrow button” to move
to "MSN messenger" and press Enter.
16.4.1 Getting Started with MSN Messenger
When you launch MSN messenger, the log-in dialog is displayed.
1) When the log-in dialog appears, you are placed in the "E-mail" computer
edit box. Type the e-mail address you have registered for your MSN
passport in computer Braille.
2) Press “Tab” to move to the "Password" computer edit box. Type the
password you have setup for your MSN messenger account. Again, you
need to use computer Braille.
3) Press “Tab” to move to the "Remember me" check box. By default, this
check box is unchecked. You can check the check box by pressing "space".
THE next time you run the messenger program, the e-mail address is
displayed automatically for you.
4) Press “Tab” to move to the "Save password" check box. By default, this is
unchecked. You can check this option by pressing "space". Next time you
run the messenger program, the password is entered automatically, and is
displayed in the password edit box as asterisks. To use this feature, also
check the "Remember me" check box. Otherwise, the password is not stored
even if you have checked the "Save password" check box.
5) Press “Tab” to move to the "Auto Sign In" check box. The default is
"Uncheck". To automatically log in when MSN messenger is opened, press
"Space" to change to setting.
6) Press “Tab” to move to the "Confirm" button. Pressing "Enter" logs you in
to your Messenger account. Once you are logged in, a contact list appears.
To cancel logging in, press “Tab” once more to move to the "Cancel" button.
Then press "Enter". Or you can also press "Alt-F4". The messenger program
If you have successfully logged in and checked "Remember me" and "Save
password", the next time you run MSN Messenger, you are automatically
logged in.