Installation and Maintenance Manual
Field Descriptions
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Screen Saver Mode
For use with the PCS 58x, 57x, 56x, 55x and PCS 410/400
The screen save will appear, Monday to Friday, at 1900 each evening until
0800 the following morning, and will dim after the handset has been idle
for 600 seconds. On a Saturday and Sunday the screen will be blank for
the whole day.
Blank on Idle
The screen saver will appear after the handset has been idle for the
number of seconds indicated in the Screen Saver Params field.
Blank at Night Dim on Idle The screen save will appear after handset has been idle for the number of
seconds indicated in the Screen Saver Params field and between the times
entered in the Screen Saver Params field. If the handset is used during the
Blank at Night times, the screen saver will appear after the Dim On Idle
Blank at Night
The Screen Saver will appear between the times entered in the Screen
Saver Params field. If the handset is used during these times the screen
saver will appear immediate after a call has ended.
Bright always
The screen saver will not be used.
Screen Save Params
Enter as Idle Timeout (Secs),Night Start Time,Night End Time,DaysOfWeekOff
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank on Idle enter the number of seconds that the handset
is to remain idle before the screen saver will appear, eg 900,0,0, or
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank at Night enter the time in 24 hour clock that the screen
saver will appear followed by the time in 24 hour clock that the screen saver will be removed eg
determines the days when the screen saver will be displayed for the whole day,
typically Saturday and Sunday. Each day is identified by a number where Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2 and so
on, eg 600,1900,0800,167
Screen Brightness (0-255)
To be advised
LED Brightness (0-255)
To be advised
The name of the User to whom this phone is assigned.
Upgrade Time
To be advised
Unassigned Phones
64 Domain Characters. Name of this phone.