Installation and Maintenance Manual
Field Descriptions
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Deliver Link
Used in conjunction with the Email Contact Type. A new voicemail message will be
automatically sent to the email address entered in the Telephone Number field
and link to the voicemail server will be provided. The recipient will be requested to
enter the relevant extension number and voicemail access code when using this
link and messages will be played via the
media player on the recipient’s PC.
Licences page
Operator Console Licence
No licence has been assigned to this User and therefore Operator Console Mode is
Assigns an OperatorConsole licence to this User and enables Operator Console Mode
on a PCS 58x/57x/56x/60 or the use of the PCS Operator Console application.
PCS Partner only For use with a PCS 60 partnering a PCS 5xx IP phone. Assigns an OperatorConsole
licence to this User and enables Operator Console Mode on the PCS 60 only.
Virtual User Licence
Enable/Disable. Assigns an IPVirtualUser licence to this User. To be enabled when a new User is created
that will not be assigned to a physical phone and is only be used to provide PBX functionality..
Message Box Licence
Enable/Disable. Assigns a MessageBox licence to this User. Required to enable voicemail functionality
for this User.
Vision Mobility Licence
For use with Vision. Please refer to Vision Installation and Configuration Manual for further details.
Vision Agent Licence
For use with Vision. Please refer to Vision Call Centre Configuration Manual for further details.
OCS Licence
Enable/Disable. To enable the use of the interface, written by the Spider Group, between the maximiser
and Microsoft Office Communications Server.
iPCS Licence
For use with the iPCS
Navigate Softphone Licence
Enable/Disable. To enable the use of Navigate as an IP phone, selected during the installation process.
Navigate Outlook Licence
No licence has been assigned to this User and therefore Navigate Outlook is
Assigns a NavigateOutlook licences to this User and enables Outlook integration
within Navigate.
Calendar Disabled
Assigns a NavigateOutlook licences to this User and enables Outlook integration
within Navigate, however the Calendar integration is disabled.