Installation and Maintenance Manual
Configuring system functionality
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Extension Anywhere
For information on the Extension Anywhere and Remote Idle fields please refer to the Setting up
Extension Anywhere section from page 126.
Headset Working
Tick this box if a headset is used in conjunction with the phone connected to this port. This feature allows
the use of a headset without picking up the receiver.
Screen Saver Mode
This feature can be used with the PCS 58x, 57x, 56x, 55x, 410 and 400 and is used to enable the
appearance of a screen saver. This can either be after the handset has been idle for a specified amount
of time or during a specified time. In all cases the screen will return to normal by making the handset
active, eg on a PCS 573 by picking up the handset, on a PCS 582 by touching the screen, or when a call is
In the Screen Saver Mode field select one of the following options:
The screen save will appear, Monday to Friday, at 1900 each evening
until 0800 the following morning, and will dim after the handset has
been idle for 600 seconds. On a Saturday and Sunday the screen will
be blank for the whole day.
Blank on Idle
The screen saver will appear after the handset has been idle for the
number of seconds indicated in the Screen Saver Params field.
Blank at Night Dim on Idle The screen save will appear after handset has been idle for the
number of seconds indicated in the Screen Saver Params field and
between the times entered in the Screen Saver Params field. If the
handset is used during the Blank at Night times, the screen saver will
appear after the Dim On Idle time.
Blank at Night
The Screen Saver will appear between the times entered in the
Screen Saver Params field. If the handset is used during these times
the screen saver will appear immediate after a call has ended.
Bright always
The screen saver will not be used.
In the Screen Save Params field enter the parameters required as
Idle Timeout (Secs),Night Start Time,Night End Time,DaysOfWeekOff
eg 900,0,0 or 0,1730,0800 or 600,1900,0800,167
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank on Idle enter the number of seconds that the
handset is to remain idle before the screen saver will be appear, eg 900,0,0
If the Screen Save Mode field is set to Blank at Night enter the time in 24 hour clock that the
screen saver will appear followed by the time in 24 hour clock that the screen saver will be
removed eg 0,1730,0800
determines the days when the screen saver will be displayed for the whole day,
typically Saturday and Sunday. Each day is identified by a number where Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2
and so on.
Select Update or Apply when ready