Installation and Maintenance Manual
Field Descriptions
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
Caller Display Length
The number of characters to be sent to the port. Default = 0 which represents 20 characters.
Partner Login Code
1-8 digit code. Used to secure ability to run PCS 60 or 50 as a partner on this port. If this port is assigned
to or will be log on to by a User configured as a Vision Call Centre Agent and/or will be using the Vision
Supervisor Console software, this entry must match the User’s Remote Working Code. If this port is
assigned to a User configured to uti
lize the Vision Mobility application , this entry must match the User’s
Remote Working Code.
Offhook Working
Enable/Disable. If enabled the handset becomes inoperable and conversations are conducted via the
headset only.
Regenerate DTMF
Enable/Disable. If enabled DTMF will be regenerated on this port rather than passed Inband.
DTMF Receive Mode
Auto / H.245 Signal / RTP Event / Inband only
Default = Auto. Used when equipment such a fax server or alarm system is connected to this port.
Determines how the analogue port will receive DTMF tones from the line. Leave as Auto unless specified
by the third party equipment.
Unlicensed Port
Enable/Disable. This field is used in conjunction with a 5100 Call Server. The first eight analogue ports on
a 5100 Call Server are activated on installation. However ports 9-16 require a POTS licences to enable
each port. This field will be ticked when the phone port is unlicensed. The tick should be removed when
a POTS licence has been purchased.
Page Port
For use if this port is to be used as a standard extension with analogue phone.
For use if powered speakers are to be connected to this port for use as a Tannoy.
For use if an external Music-on-Hold source is to be connected to this port.
Extension Anywhere
The number to be dialled by the system when the User assigned to this port is working from home or on
a mobile and wishes to handle calls as though they were in the office.
Remote Idle
Seconds. The number of seconds that the User’s home telephone will remain idle before
a call from the
maximiser system is cleared.
Flash Hook Min, Max
To be advised.
Suppress DTMF
DTMF from the phone will be sent “in
band” across a SIP trunk.
The name of the User to whom this port is assigned.