Installation and Maintenance Manual
Configuring system functionality
Installation and Maintenance Manual v4/0615/10
the web page will only be displayed on the PCS making the internal call either to or
from this User. The User’s PCS will also display the web page when an external call is made by
the User.
Select Update or Apply when ready
Displaying a Directory
A list of the Users or Departments on the system
or the User’s speed dials can be displayed on a PCS
or PCS 410/400 when a call is made to and/or received by the User to enable the call to be processed
efficiently. (For further information on a
User’s speed d
ials please refer to page 118.)
In Manager select Users
From the User list select the User required.
From the Auto URL Mode list box select one of the following:
the user’s Favourites (Speed Dials) are automatical
ly displayed on a PCS involved
in a call to or from this User once the call is answered
the Users Directory is automatically displayed on a PCS involved in a call to or from this
User once the call is answered
the Department Directory is automatically displayed on a PCS involved in a call
to or from this User once the call is answered
From the AutoURL Direction list box select one of the following:
the directory will be displayed on both PCSs involved in an internal call to or from
this User. The User’s PCS will also display the directory when an external call is either made or
received by the User.
the directory will only be displayed on the PCS receiving the internal call either to
or from this User. The User’s
PCS will also display the directory when an external call is
received by the User.
the directory will only be displayed on the PCS making the internal call either to or
from this User. The User’s PCS will also display the directory when an ext
ernal call is made by
the User.
Select Update or Apply when ready.
Please note: If the User is making a call to or receiving a call for a Department the Auto URL and Auto
URL Mode settings for the Department take priority. If the User is making a call to or receiving a call from
a Contact the Auto URL and Auto URL Mode settings for the Contact take priority.
Setting the User’s Details
A User’s Home and Mobile telephone numbers
entered via the Details page, allow other Users to speed
dial these numbers from a PCS 58x, 57x, 56x, 55x, 410/400, 100, 60 and 50. Spare1 and Spare2 Telephone
Number fields can be used to enter two additional numbers if required. (Please note: If the Ex Directory
option is ticked this User will not appear in the User Directory available via a PCS 58x, 57x, 56x, 55x,
410/400, 100, 60 and 50.)
These numbers
will also be matched against incoming CLI and display the User’s name in Caller Display.
It is therefore very important that extension numbers are not entered into these fields. Voicemail can
also use these numbers as explained in the Voicemail section from page 210.