Run the
igmp user add service-port index max-program
command to configure the
maximum number of programs that can be concurrently watched by the multicast user.
The maximum number is 16.
Run the
igmp user watch-limit
command to configure the maximum number of programs
of different priorities that can be watched by the multicast user.
Configure the quick leave mode of the multicast user.
Run the
igmp user add service-port index quickleave { immediate | disable | mac-
based }
command to configure the leave mode of the multicast user. By default, the leave
mode is the mac-based mode.
immediate: After receiving the leave request packet of the multicast user, the system
immediately deletes the multicast user from the multicast group.
disable: The system sends the specific group query packet after receiving the leave
packet of the multicast user. Within the set aging time, if the system does not receive
the report packet of the multicast user, the user is considered as offline and the system
deletes the multicast user from the multicast group.
mac-based: Indicates the quick leave mode based on the MAC address. The system
detects the MAC address in the leave packet of the user. If it is the same as the MAC
address in the report packet of the user and the user is the last one who watches the
multicast program in the multicast group, the system immediately deletes the multicast
user from the multicast group. Otherwise, the system does not delete the multicast user.
In this mode, the application scenario with multiple terminals is supported.
Step 3
Configure the multicast user authentication.
To control the rights of a multicast user, you can enable the multicast user authentication
function. Binding the rights profile to the multicast user implements multicast user
Configure the multicast user authentication function.
Run the
igmp user add service-port index { auth | no-auth }
command to configure
whether to authenticate a multicast user.
After configuring multicast user authentication, you need to enable the global authentication function to
make the configuration take effect. By default, the global authentication function of multicast user is
enabled. You can run the
igmp proxy authorization
command to change the configuration.
Bind the rights profile to the multicast user. Binding the rights profile to the multicast user
implements user authentication.
Run the
igmp user bind-profile
command to bind the rights profile to the multicast user.
After the binding, the multicast user has the rights to the programs configured in the profile.
Step 4
Bind the multicast user to the multicast VLAN.
In multicast VLAN mode, run the
igmp multicast-vlan member
command to bind the user to
the multicast VLAN. Then, the multicast user becomes a multicast member of the multicast
VLAN and can request for the programs configured in the multicast VLAN.
Step 5
Run the
display igmp user
command to check whether the multicast user is configured correctly.
SmartAX MA5616 Multi-service Access Module
Configuration Guide
6 Configuring the Multicast Service (Multicast VLAN Mode)
Issue 04 (2011-10-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.