FibeAir IP-20C/S/E
User Guide
Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Page 544 of 597
The following command restores alarm type 401 (Loss of Carrier) to its
default severity level:
root> platform status alarm-management set alarm-id 401 restore
Uploading Unit Info (CLI)
You can generate a unit information file, which includes technical data about
the unit. This file can be forwarded to customer support, at their request, to
help in analyzing issues that may occur.
In order to export a unit information file, you must install an FTP or SFTP
server on the laptop or PC from which you are performing the upload. IP-20
works with any standard FTP or SFTP server. For details, see Installing and
Configuring an FTP or SFTP Server.
To set the FTP or SFTP parameters for unit information file export, enter one
of the following commands in root view. If the IP protocol selected in platform
management ip set ip-address-family is IPv4, enter the destination IPv4
address. If the selected IP protocol is IPv6, enter the destination IPv6 address.
root> platform unit-info channel server set ip-address <server-
ipv4> directory <directory> filename <filename> username
<username> password <password>
root> platform unit-info channel server-ipv6 set ip-address
<server-ipv6> directory <directory> filename <filename>
username <username> password <password>
To set the protocol for unit information file export, enter the following
command in root view.
root> platform unit-info channel set protocol <protocol>
To display the FTP or SFTP parameters for unit information file export, enter
one of the following commands in root view:
root> platform unit-info-file channel show
root> platform unit-info-file channel-ipv6 show
To create a unit information file based on the current state of the system,
enter the following command in root view:
root> platform unit-info-file create
To export the unit information file you just created, enter the following
command in root view:
root> platform unit-info-file export
To display the status of a unit information file export operation, enter the
following command in root view
root> platform unit-info-file status show