FibeAir IP-20C/S/E
User Guide
Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Page 531 of 597
When you create a new user account, the system will prompt you to enter a
default password. If Enforce Password Strength is activated (refer to
Configuring Password Strength Enforcement (CLI)), the password must meet
the following criteria:
Password length must be at least eight characters.
Password must include characters of at least three of the following
character types: lower case letters, upper case letters, digits, and special
characters. For purposes of meeting this requirement, upper case letters at
the beginning of the password and digits at the end of the password are
not counted.
The last five passwords you used cannot be reused.
To block or unblock a user account, enter the following command:
root> platform security access-control user-account block user-
name <user-name> block <block>
To change a user account's expiration date, enter the following command:
root> platform security access-control user-account edit
expired-date user-name <user-name> expired-date <expired-date>
To change a user account's profile, enter the following command:
root> platform security access-control user-account edit
profile-name user-name <user-name> profile-name <profile name>
To delete a user account, enter the following command:
root> platform security access-control user-account delete
user-name <user-name>
To display all user accounts configured on the unit and their settings,
including whether the user is currently logged in and the time of the user's last
logout, enter the following command:
root> platform security access-control user-account show
To display the settings of a specific user account, enter the following
root> platform security access-control user-account show user-
name <user-name>
Table 210: User Accounts CLI Parameters
Input Type Permitted Values Description
Text String
Up to 32 characters
The name of the user profile.
profile name
Text String
Up to 49 characters
The name of the User Profile you want to
assign to the user. The User Profile
defines the user’s access permissions
per functionality group.
Use the format:
Optional. The date on which the user
account will expire. On this date, the user
automatically becomes inactive.