FibeAir IP-20C/S/E
User Guide
Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Page 291 of 597
22 In the Configure VSA (RFC Compliant) window that appears, configure 13
attributes as follows:
i For Vendor-assigned attribute number from 21 till 32, select
Decimal in the Attribute format field. These twelve attributes define
the Read access level (None, Regular, or Advanced), and the Write
access level (None, Regular, or Advanced) for each of the six functional
groups (Ethernet, Management, Radio, Security, Sync, TDM). Therefore,
in the Attribute value field enter the value corresponding to the
access level you wish to permit to members of the group whose policy
you are configuring, where:
2 = Advanced
1 = Regular
0 = None
Thus for example, enter 2 for all twelve attributes if you are
configuring a policy for the Radius_Advanced group. This gives
Advanced read permissions and Advanced write permissions, for all six
functional groups, to the members of the Radius_Advanced group.
Figure 226: Create Network Policy
– Configuring Vendor-Specific Attribute