FibeAir IP-20C/S/E
User Guide
Ceragon Proprietary and Confidential
Page 330 of 597
Calculating an ifIndex
The ifIndex calculator enables you to:
Calculate the ifIndex for any object in the system.
Determine the object represented by any valid ifIndex.
To use the ifIndex calculator:
1 Select Utilities > ifCalculator. The ifIndex Calculator page opens.
Figure 258: ifIndex Calculator Page
If you have an ifIndex and you want to determine which hardware item in
the unit it represents, enter the number in the ifIndex number field and
click Calculate Index to name. A description of the object appears in the
Result field.
To determine the ifIndex of a hardware item in the unit, such as an
interface, card, or slot, select the object type in the Functional Type field,
select the Slot and Port (if relevant), and click Calculate Name to Index.
The object’s ifIndex appears in the Result field.