5.7 H: Terminal Functions
■ H3-03, H3-04: Terminal A1 Gain and Bias Settings
Parameter H3-03 sets the level of the selected input value that is equal to 10 Vdc input at terminal A1 (gain).
Parameter H3-04 sets the level o f the selected input value that is equal to 0 V input at terminal A1 (bias).
Both can be used to adjust the characteristics of the analog input signal to terminal A1.
Setting Range
Terminal A1 Gain Setting
-999.9 to 999.9%
Terminal A 1 Bias Setting
-999.9 to 999.9%
Setting Examples
• Gain H3-03 = 200%, bias H3-04 = 0, terminal A1 as speed reference input (H3-02 = 0):
A 10 Vdc input is equivalent to a 200% speed reference and 5 Vdc is equivalent to a 100% speed reference. Since the
drive output is limited by the maximum frequency parameter (E1-04), the speed reference will be equal to E1-04 above
5 Vdc.
H3-01 = 0
H3-01 = 1
F ig u r e 5 .2 9 S p e e d R e f e r e n c e S e tt in g b y A n a lo g In p u t w ith I n c r e a s e d G ain
• Gain H3-03 = 100%, bias H3-04 = -25%, terminal A1 as speed reference input:
An input o f 0 Vdc will be equivalent to a -25% speed reference.
When parameter H3-01 = 0, the speed reference is 0% between 0 and 2 Vdc input.
When parameter H3-01 = 1, the motor will rotate in reverse between -10 and 2 Vdc input.
H3-01 = 0
H3-01 = 1
F ig u r e 5 .3 0 S p e e d R e f e r e n c e S e ttin g b y A n a lo g In p u t w ith N e g a tiv e B ia s
■ H3-09: Terminal A2 Signal Level Selection
Selects the input signal level for analog input A2.
Setting Range
Terminal A 2 Signal L evel Selection
0 or 1
Setting 0: 0 to 10 Vdc
The input level is 0 to 10 Vdc. Refer to
Setting 0: 0 to 10 Vdc on page 183
for details.
Setting 1: - 1 0 to 10 Vdc
The input level is -10 to 10 Vdc. Refer to
Setting 1: -1 0 to 10 Vdc on page 183
for details.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual