4.6 Setup Procedure for Elevator Applications
■ Using a Single-Phase, 230 Vac UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)
Follow the instructions when using a single-phase 230 V UPS for Rescue Operation. A 230 V UPS can be used for both
200 V and 400 V class drives.
Refer to
Figure 4.19
for a wiring diagram.
Magnetic Contactor Sequence
Magnetic Contactor B
Magnetic Contactor A
И1-ПП = 55
(Rescue Operation)
F ig u r e 4 .1 9 U s in g a S i n g l e - P h a s e 2 3 0 V U PS
Operation Sequence
Starting Rescue Operation
1. Open contactor B.
2. Set the input terminal programmed for Rescue Operation (H1-DD = 55).
3. Close contactor A.
4. Set the Up/Down command.
Ending Rescue Operation
1. After the car has stopped open contactor A.
2. Clear the input terminal set for Rescue Operation (H1-DD = 55).
3. Close contactor B to return to operation with normal power supply.
Application Precautions
The drive may fault on a control power supply fault (Uv2) if the UPS can’t provide enough voltage, or if the Light Load
Direction Search is not set properly. If this problem occurs, take the following corrective actions:
Corrective Action:
• Use a separate battery for the controller power supply.
• Use a battery with a voltage higher than 250 Vdc for 200 V class drives or 500 Vdc for 400 V class drives and connect
it to the control power supply input (CN19). Alternatively use a 24 Vdc battery and an optional 24 V Backup Power
Supply Unit.
• Enable Light Load Direction Search (S4-01 = 1).
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual