7.5 Drive Replacement
3. Slide the terminal board as illustrated by the arrows to remove it from the drive along with the bottom cover.
F ig u r e 7 .2 9 D riv e R e p la c e m e n t: R e m o v e t h e C o n tro l T e rm in a l B o a rd
F ig u r e 7 .3 0 D riv e R e p la c e m e n t: R e m o v a b le C o n tro l T e rm in a l B o a rd
D is c o n n e c t e d fr o m t h e D rive
4. Disconnect all option cards and options. Make sure they are intact before reusing them.
5. Replace the drive and wire the main circuit.
■ Installing the Drive
1. After wiring the main circuit, connect the terminal block to the drive as shown in
Figure 7.31.
Use the installation
screw to fasten the terminal block into place.
F ig u r e 7.31 D riv e R e p la c e m e n t: In s ta llin g t h e C o n tr o l T e rm in a l B o a rd
2. Reconnect all options to the new drive in the same way they were installed in the old drive. Connect option
boards to the same option ports in the new drive that were used in the old drive.
3. Put the terminal cover back into its original place.
4. After powering on the drive, all parameter settings are transferred from the terminal board to the drive memory. If
an oPE04 error occurs, load the parameter settings saved on the terminal board to the new drive by setting
parameter A1-03 to 5550. Reset the Maintenance Monitor function timers by setting parameters o4-01 through
o4-12 to 0, and parameter o4-13 to 1.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual