4.7 Setup Troubleshooting and Possible Solutions
Possible Solutions
The 1 ' S ' STOP button is enabled (o2-02=1) and was pressed
when the drive was started from a REMOTE source.
• W hen the 1 ® STOP button is pressed, the drive w ill decelerate to stop.
• Switch o ff the U p/Dow n command and then re-enter a new U p/Dow n command.
• o2-02 is set to 0 by default, i.e. the Stop button is disabled.
■ Motor Rotates in the Opposite Direction from the Up/Down Command
Possible Solutions
Phase wiring between the drive and motor is incorrect.
Check the motor wiring. Perform the steps described in M otor R otation D irection S etu p on p a g e 90 and P G E n coder
S etu p on p a g e 9 1 .
Drive control circuit terminals for the Up and D ow n commands are
• Check the control circuit wiring.
• Correct any fault wiring.
♦ Motor is Too Hot
Possible Solutions
The load is too heavy.
If the load is too heavy for the motor, the motor w ill overheat as it exceeds its rated torque value for an extended period
o f time.
Keep in mind that the motor also has a short-term overload rating in addition to the possible solutions provided below:
• Reduce the load.
• Lower the acceleration and deceleration ramps. (Increase the acceleration tim e and deceleration time)
• Check the values set for the motor protection (L1-01, L 1-02) as w ell as the motor rated current (E2-01).
• Increase motor capacity.
The air around the motor is too hot.
• Check the ambient temperature.
• Cool the area until it is within the specified temperature range.
The drive is operating in a vector control mode but Auto-Tuning
has not yet been performed.
• Perform Auto-Tuning.
• Calculate the motor value and reset the motor parameters. R efer to E 2: M otor P aram eters on p a g e 1 5 8 .
• Change the motor control method to V /f Control (A 1-02 = 0).
Insufficient voltage insulation between motor phases.
W hen the motor cable is long, high voltage surges occur between the motor coils and drive switching.
Normally, surges can reach up to three tim es the drive input power supply voltage (600 V for 200 V class, and 1200 V
for 400 V class).
• U se a motor with a voltage tolerance higher than the m ax voltage surge.
• U se a motor designed to work specifically with a drive when using a 4 00 V class unit.
• Install an AC reactor on the output side o f the drive. Make sure the output reactor can handle frequencies in the
range o f the drive carrier frequency.
The motor fan has stopped or is clogged.
Check the motor fan.
♦ Drive Does Not Allow Selection the Desired Auto-Tuning Mode
Possible Solutions
The desired Auto-Tuning m ode is not available for the selected
control mode.
• Check if the desired tuning m ode is available for the selected control mode. R efer to A u to-T u n in g on p a g e 9 5 .
• Change the motor control method by setting A1-02.
♦ Electrical Noise From Drive or Output Lines When the Drive is Operating
Possible Solutions
PW M switching in the drive generates excessive noise.
• Lower the carrier frequency (C6-03).
• Install a noise filter on the input side o f drive input power. R efer to In p u t-S id e N o ise F ilter on p a g e 3 0 9 .
• Install a noise filter on the output side o f the drive. R efer to O utput-S ide N o ise F ilter on p a g e 3 1 0 .
• Place the wiring inside a metal conduit to shield it from switching noise.
• Ground the drive and motor properly.
• Separate the main circuit wiring and the control lines.
• Make sure wires and the motor have been properly grounded.
♦ A Residual Current Device (RCD, RCM) Trips during Run
Possible Solutions
E xcessive leakage current trips RCD/RCM.
• Decrease the RCD/RCM sensitivity or use one with a higher threshold.
• Lower the carrier frequency (C6-03).
• Reduce the length o f the cable used between the drive and the motor.
• Install a noise filter or reactor on the output side o f the drive.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual