2.2 Mechanical Installation
F ig u r e 2 .6 P a n e l C u t-O u t D im e n s io n s ( E x te r n a l/F a c e - M o u n t I n s ta lla tio n )
An internal flush-mount requires an installation support set that must be purchased separately. Contact a Yaskawa
representative to order an installation support set and mounting hardware.
Figure 2.7
illustrates how to attach the
Installation Support Set A.
1. Cut an opening in the enclosure panel for the digital operator as shown in
Figure 2.8.
2. Mount the digital operator to the installation support.
3. Mount the installation support set and digital operator to the enclosure panel.
Note: U se a gasket betw een the enclosure panel and the digital operator in environm ents w ith a significant am ount o f dust or other
airborne debris.
F ig u r e 2 .8 P a n e l C u t-O u t D im e n s io n s ( I n te r n a l/F lu s h - M o u n t In s ta lla tio n )
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual