5.3 C: Tuning
■ C3-05: Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection
Determines if the motor flux reference is automatically reduced when output voltage reaches the saturation range.
If the input power supply voltage is low or the motor has a high voltage rating, this function improves the speed precision
when moving heavy loads at high speeds. When selecting the drive, remember that the reduction in flux causes a slightly
higher current at high speed when this function is enabled.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Output Voltage Limit Operation Selection
0 or 1
Determined by A 1-02
Setting 0: Disabled
Setting 1: Enabled
■ C3-21: Motor 2 Slip Compensation Gain
Used to improve speed accuracy for motor 2. Functions in the same way that C3-01 functions for motor 1.
Adjust this parameter only after the motor rated current (E4-01), motor rated slip (E4-02), and the motor no-load current
(E4-03) have all been set.
Refer to
C3-01: Slip Compensation Gain on page 147
for details on adjusting this parameter.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Motor 2 Slip Compensation Gain
0.0 to 2.5
Determined by E3-01
Note: D efault setting is 0.0 in V /f Control (A1-02 = 0). D efault setting is 1.0 in Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2) and Closed
Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 3). In Closed Loop Vector Control, slip com pensation gain acts as an adaptable gain.
■ C3-22: Motor 2 Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time
Functions for motor 2 in the same way that C3-02 functions for motor 1.
Refer to
C3-02: Slip Compensation Primary Delay Time on page 147
for instructions on how to adjust this parameter.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Motor 2 Slip Compensation Primary D elay Time
0 to 10000 ms
Determined by A 1-02
Note: The default for V /f Control (A1-02 = 0) is 2000 ms. The default for Open Loop Vector Control (A1-02 = 2) is 200 ms.
■ C3-23: Motor 2 Slip Compensation Limit
Sets the upper limit for the slip compensation function as a percentage of the motor rated slip (E4-02).
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Motor 2 Slip Compensation Limit
0 to 250%
The slip compensation limit is constant throughout the constant torque range (frequency reference < E3-06). In the
constant power range (frequency reference > E3-06), it is increased based on C3-23 and the output frequency as shown in
the following diagram.
F ig u r e 5.9 S lip C o m p e n s a t i o n Lim it
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual