5.4 d: Reference Settings
d: Reference Settings
The d parameters determine the speed of the elevator including the speed reference and Field Forcing settings for motor
♦ d1: Speed Reference
The d1 parameter group is used to set the speed reference. Switch the multi-function input contact terminals to create a
multi-step speed sequence using the various references set to the d 1 parameters.
■ d1-01 to d1-08: Speed References 1 to 8
These parameters set speed references 1 through 8. Each o f these speed reference values can be selected using digital
inputs programmed for multi-speed selection (И 1-ПП = 3, 4, 5).
Parameter Name
Setting Range
d1-01 to d1-08
Speed Reference 1 to 8
0.00 to 100.00% <1>
0.00% <1>
<1> Setting units and the default setting are determined by param eter o1-03. Refer to
Defaults a n d Setting Ranges by Display U n it Selection (o1-
03) on page 365
for details.
Refer to
Multi-Speed Inputs 1, 2 (d1-18 = 0 or 3) on page 106
for details.
■ d1-18: Speed Reference Selection Mode
Sets the priority of the speed reference inputs.
A lw a y s turn o ff the R U N c o m m a n d b e fo re c h a n g in g the s e ttin g o f p a ra m e te rs d 1 -1 8 (S p e e d R e fe re n c e S ele ctio n M ode), b1-
01 (S p e e d R e fe re n c e S election), o r
Н 1 - П П
(M u lti-F u n c tio n D ig ita l Inputs). I f the R U N c o m m a n d is on w h en c h a n g in g a n y o f these
settings, the m o to r m a y u n e x p e c te d ly sta rt running, a n d c o u ld re s u lt in injury.
Parameter Name
Setting Range
Speed Reference Selection Mode
0 to 3
Setting 0: Use multi-speed references d1-01 to d1-08
Up to eight separate preset speed references can be programmed to the drive using parameters d1-01 through d1-08 and
can be selected using binary coded digital inputs. When d1-18 is set to “0”, parameters d1-19 through d1-23 are not
displayed. Refer to
Multi-Speed Inputs 1, 2 (d1-18 = 0 or 3) on page 106
for details.
Setting 1: High speed reference has priority
Six different speeds (d1-19 to d1-23, d1-26) can be programmed to the drive and can be selected using dedicated digital
inputs. Each o f the speed references set to d1-19 through d1-23 takes priority over the leveling speed set to d1-26. When
d1-18 is set to “ 1”, parameter d1-01 to d1-08 are not displayed. Refer to
Separate Speed Inputs (d1-18 = 1 or 2) on
page 106
for details.
Setting 2: Leveling speed reference has priority
Six different speeds (d1-19 to d1-23, d1-26) can be programmed to the drive and can be selected using dedicated digital
inputs. The leveling speed reference in d1-26, however, takes priority over all other speed references when enabled via
one of the multi-function input terminals (H 1-DD = 53). When d1-18 is set to “2”, parameters d1-01 to d1-08 are not
displayed. Refer to
Separate Speed Inputs (d1-18 = 1 or 2) on page 106
for details.
Setting 3: Use multi-speed references d1-02 to d1-08, no speed selection stops the drive
Up to seven separate preset speed references can be programmed to the drive using parameters d1-02 through d1-08 can
be selected using binary coded digital inputs. When d1-18 is set to “3”, parameters d1-19 through d1-23 are not
displayed. Refer to
Multi-Speed Inputs 1, 2 (d1-18 = 0 or 3) on page 106
for details.
■ d1-19: Nominal Speed
Sets the nominal speed when a multi-function input terminal is programmed for “Nominal speed” (H1-DD = 50).
Setting Range
Nom inal Speed
0.00 to 100.00% <1>
100.00% <1>
<1> Setting ranges and defaults vary by the setting units determined by param eter o1-03. Refer to
Defaults a n d S etting Ranges by D isplay U nit
Selection (o1-03) on page 365
for details.
YASKAWA ELECTRIC SIEP C710616 33D YASKAWA AC Drive L1000A Technical Manual