LS_Analog to digital convertor (ADC)
Doc ID 018672 Rev 1
LS_Analog to digital convertor (ADC)
29.1 Overview
Within its Low Speed Subsystem, the device includes an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC),
which is connected to the APB bus.
Main features of the ADC are listed below:
Successive approximation conversion method.
10 bit resolution.
8 analog input (AIN) channels, ranging from 0 to 2.5V.
For each input, the number of samples to be collected for average calculation can be 1
(no average) or up to 128 as 2's power (2, 4, 8...).
INL ± 1 LSB, DNL ± 1 LSB.
Programmable conversion speed, from a minimum conversion time of 1 µs.
Normal or enhanced mode. In normal mode the conversion start upon CPU request
while in enhanced mode the ADC converts continuously the selected channels
inserting a selectable amount of time between two conversions.
DC internal reference voltage is 1.95(Min), 2.0(Typ), 2.05(Max)
Positive and negative reference voltages can be supplied by dedicated pins to select
different range (Default 0 - 2.5V).
29.2 Functional
shows the functional block diagram of the ADC.
Figure 66.
ADC block diagram
8 Analog Inputs
Configuration Regisers
10 bit conversion data