V3.5 14/08/19
Page 676
This Document is uncontrolled unless over stamped "CONTROLLED DOCUMENT"
* = Ignore this bit
1 to 4 = Decode this as the entered section number
For example, for a Wiegand 26bit card the string would read *222222221111111111111111*
The Encode button can be used to convert the Card Reader Code into the relevant Card Section
Numbers above and likewise the Decode button can convert the Card Section Numbers into a Card
Reader Code.
End Sentinel
Enter the end sentient character for a Clock & Data card. This is the character that tells Traka to
stop reading data from the card. The industry standard for the end sentinel is a ’r;?’.
RS232 Settings
Enter a decimal value according to the required settings…
0 = 7 Data Bits, No Parity
1 = 8 Data Bits, No Parity
2 = 7 data Bits, Even Parity
3 = 8 data Bits, Even Parity
6 = 7 data Bits, Odd Parity
7 = 8 data Bits, Odd Parity
Please do not enter any other value than specified above.
EOR Check
Check this box if Traka should perform an Exclusive OR (EOR) check to verify the data being read
from a Clock & Data card.
Parity Check
Check this box if Traka should perform a Parity check to verify the data being read from a Clock &
Data card.
Invert Section Start
Check this box if Traka should invert the way the card sections are read for a Clock & Data card.
Hexadecimal Conversion
Check this box if Traka should convert the decoded card data into Hexadecimal (HEX) rather than
decimal for a Wiegand card.
Card Format (Wiegand Only)