V3.5 14/08/19
Page 819
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CAN Gateway allows Traka Systems (such as Key Cabinets, Locker Systems and Traka Access Control Pods) to be
linked together using Controller Area Network (CAN). This "multi-master" protocol enables systems and access pods
to communicate instantly with each other without using Traka32.
An example of the need for CAN Gateway is where an Access Pod needs to know if a user is currently holding keys
before making a decision as to whether they are allowed to leave a premise or area. One of the main problems
organisations face is where a member of staff takes a key off site often by mistake. The cost of this in time and
money can be astronomical. CAN Gateway helps solve this problem.
An Access Pod can also be configured such that it only allows a user to enter a premise (e.g. prison) if they have taken
a key (or a device from a Locker e.g. a personal attack alarm).
A diagram of a typical application for a hospital follows:-