V3.5 14/08/19
Page 399
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A Notification Rule is created by the User in Traka 32. A Rule consists of various conditions where if the conditions are
all met, the message will be created and sent. A user may setup as many Notification Rules as required by the
A Notification Rule is made up of the following criteria:
The Trigger
Any Special Conditions
The Actual Message
How the Message is sent
Whom the Message is to be sent to
The Trigger is part of the Notification Rule and is responsible for "triggering" a message to be sent. Triggers are made
up of various sources of events generated by the Traka system.
These include:
iFob Events from Systems (e.g. iFob Removed, iFob undetectable)
System Alarms (iFob returned to wrong slot, Overdue iFob)
a full description of all events generated by Traka.
Faults entered/cleared on system from the cabinet
Faults entered/cleared in Traka32
Immobilisor iFob Events (e.g. Device Activated, Shock Occurrence etc.)
All of the above can be referred to as Triggers. Each Trigger has an associated Trigger Code and a descriptive Trigger
Name. For example, Code 128 is "iFob Removed".
Filtering the Trigger Sources
When creating the Notification Rule, each Notification Rule can filter these Triggers in two ways:
One or multiple Trigger names can be selected from the Trigger List.
Who or what actually caused the trigger can be selected.
Trigger sources also have additional data associated to them other than their description such as:
The Traka system where the trigger occurred
The Key(s) attached to the iFob
The User who was using the system at the time
For Immobilisor systems, the Vehicle or Immobilisor
This, then, allows you to say, for example:
I want to be notified for ANY Events from only System A (System Filter)