V3.5 14/08/19
Page 551
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The Key Handover option was developed for a particular customer who wanted security officers to issue keys to other
members of staff, who are not currently enrolled to the system. To make this feature more efficient Traka have
included the interface of a QWERTY keyboard, allowing the security officers to record who they are giving the key to
and where they are taking it, without typing all the information on the Traka keypad. This information then reads back
to Traka32 and appears in the appropriate reports.
Setting up Key Handover Logging
Firstly an option is required in the 'Configure Firmware' to enable the use of the Key Handover Logging option. Right
click your cabinet within Traka32 and click 'Configure Firmware'.
To be able to see this option within the Configuration Wizard you must have software version
02.09.0001 and above.
The Configuration Wizard will appear allowing you to alter the cabinet’s option and settings. Skip along to the last
options page and tick the box named 'Key Handover Logging (PS/2 Keyboard Required)'. After selecting the option
click 'Apply' to write the configuration to the cabinet.