V3.5 14/08/19
Page 54
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Additional cabinets can be installed with or added later to an L-Series Traka system.
The L-Series extension cabinets are installed in exactly the same way as the main L-Series cabinets except for the way
in which they connect. Please refer to the preparation and installation sections on how to fix an L-Series cabinet to the
wall along with the details below on how to connect the cabinets together.
The cabinets are connected via a series of Interface PCBs. Using a 34 way ribbon cable you can connect the cabinets
as follows...
Connect the Control PCBs Receptor Connector to the first Interface PCBs Input Connector.
Connect the first Interface PCBs Output Connector to the second Interface PCBs Input Connector.
Cables running between systems must be passed through the cutouts in the sides of the
cabinets. If no cutout exists (older systems), a suitable size hole must be cut in the side of the
cabinet. Cables must not be passed behind the cabinet as they could be damaged when trapped
against the wall.
If you have more extension cabinets then continue to connect the Output to Input of the remaining
Interface PCBs.