V3.5 14/08/19
Page 606
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is the Trip Mileage which is the distance travelled for each journey. A simple
calculation is made by simply subtracting the previously entered mileage with the newly entered mileage to give the
trip mileage.
The Trip Mileage is shown on all the usual transaction and event reports. If you have upgraded from previous version
of Traka32 (version 02.04.0001 or earlier) the Trip mileage values will not have been previously calculated. To
calculate the previous Trip Mileage vales simply follow these steps...
Click on View, iFob List from the main menu and the iFob List will open.
Click on the iFobs menu followed by Re-process the Trip Mileage values.
All the Trip Mileage values will be calculated automatically.
Trip Mileage will only be available if the firmware of the selected system has Mileage Logging
enabled. If the Mileage Logging option is enabled in the firmware, it is also possible to enable / disable
the option on an iFob per iFob basis from the