V3.5 14/08/19
Page 218
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The Traka system allows you to define as many keys as you wish to attach to each iFob. You may also define keys that
are not currently attached to any iFob. However, as soon as the key is attached to an iFob, the Traka system will
monitor the activity of the key, recording every usage, even if the key is moved from one iFob to another.
Where the Traka Immobilisor is installed and the iFob is being used as the key then describe the iFob in this section.
The key list can be filtered to show Allocated Keys, Non-allocated Keys or both by clicking on Filter and selecting the
appropriate filter from the drop down menu.
Keys that are used long term by an organisation...
Most organisations will hold each key or bunch of keys for a long period of time. For example the keys to the Stock
room are probably never likely to change and the history of the iFob and the key(s) will probably be the same.
However, if one of the keys from a bunch should be removed or moved to a different iFob then the iFob history will
start to differ from the Key history.
Keys that are used short term by an organisation...
Organisations that hold keys for short terms such as motor dealers may wish to create an intermittent history. Every
new key is added as described before and allocated to a free iFob. Once the key (for the car) has been sold or
serviced, it should be deallocated and any further activity will automatically stop. If the vehicle should be returned at a
later date, use the search facility to find the vehicle and then reallocate the vehicle again as described before. Now the
activity history will continue. By deallocating and reallocating a key, a complete broken history can be cumulated.
Assigning Access levels to Users and Security Groups from the Key List
You can now assign access levels to users and security groups from the Key List. This is achieved by right clicking on
one or more Keys in the key List and selecting either the user or security group.
Below is a screen shot showing a user being assigned to a selection of keys: