V3.5 14/08/19
Page 576
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If you want to search for more keys using different search criteria, click the ‘Search Again’ button and you will
be taken back to the search criteria page. The currently selected keys will remain selected allowing you to
add to the list from your new search results.
If you select a key, or an iFob that contains a key that is a duplicate (or accesses the same apartment) of one
that has already been issued, a message will pop up to warn the user that the Unit/House could be occupied.
In this example the ‘Unit Number’ field is used to determine if a duplicate key (or key to the
same apartment) is requested. This field can be changed on the ‘Key Grouping Field’ dropdown on
the ‘Key Vending Wizard’ page of the
Once you have selected the required key(s) click Next. This will activate the Signature Pad allowing the Key
Requestor to sign to accept receipt of the key. The signature will be displayed in the Signature Control
window. Once the signature is complete the Key Requestor can select ‘OK’ on the Signature Pad or the Key
Vendor can select ‘OK’ from the Signature Control window.