V3.5 14/08/19
Page 214
This Document is uncontrolled unless over stamped "CONTROLLED DOCUMENT"
Send Email when iFob is taken
Select this option to enable Traka32 to send an email each time the selected iFob is taken. The email will be
sent to each address listed in the recipient list below.
Send Email when iFob is returned
Select this option to enable Traka32 to send an email each time the selected iFob is returned. The email will
be sent to each address listed in the recipient list below.
Recipient List
Enter a list of email addresses that Traka32 will automatically email each time the selected iFob is taken
and/or returned. To enter more than one email address, separate each email address with a semi colon ';' for
example, [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
For this feature to work the feature must be enabled in the
SMTP Server defined.
On certain SMTP servers such as Microsoft Exchange, relaying may have to be enabled in
order allow Traka32 to send e-mails to the outside world. For a guide on how to safely configure
Microsoft Exchange for relaying, please refer to the
Relaying on Microsoft Exchange
Example Emails
Duncan Winner has taken an iFob
Duncan Winner
has taken an iFob from position 1 (key description: 'Porsche') in system
'System 1
[001]' at 09-May-2005 10:55:00.
Duncan Winner has returned an iFob
Duncan Winner
has returned an iFob to Position 1 (key description: 'Porsche') in system
'System 1
[001]' at 09-May-2005 10:55:00.