V3.5 14/08/19
Page 667
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What if the upgrade goes wrong?
If the upgrade did not complete successfully, click on Back and then click on Upgrade again to retry.
If you see the following message during the upgrade, the upgrade wizard was not able to back up the data
from the system. If you are not worried about losing some of the transaction or alarm data then click Yes. If
you do not want to lose any data then click No and contact you supplier for further details.
If you see the following message during the upgrade, the upgrade wizard was unable to detect if the vector
was swapped correctly. Follow the instruction on the message and click OK when completed to complete the
upgrade. If you are in any doubt contact you supplier for further help.
If this still does not clear the problem, click on Cancel and then click on Finish. From the main screen select
the system you have just upgraded
and from the system viewer right
click over the picture of the pod and click on Synchronise System. Click No to the first message and then
Yes to the second message and this will complete the upgrade manually.
If an error has occurred during the upgrade that is not covered, please contact one of our engineers on + 44
(0) 1234 712345 immediately for advice.