V3.5 14/08/19
Page 120
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The settings.ini file (inside the Setting folder) can be moved to another location
outside of the other writable files, for example, if you moved the Database, Download,
reports etc to the D:\ drive then you can move the settings.ini file to a different location.
After placing the files in their new location explore the Settings folder and open the settings.ini file.
In the [General] section of the settings.ini file add the following line 'AppDataPath=' followed by
the new location you have moved the file to. Ensure that you do not add any additional incorrect
characters to the location name, as you may receive an error on start up.
Open Traka32 whilst holding F11 on your keyboard to open the Traka32 Properties window. Point the
database & settings files to their new locations by clicking the browse button.
Click the Save & Close button and use Traka32 as normal.