V3.5 14/08/19
Page 265
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Prompt user for password when closing the software
If you are using the user login to the software you can prompt the user to enter their password in order to
close the software. This is useful if you want to leave the software running in Auto Comms or Online modes
as this will discourage users from closing the software.
Allow Traka32 to play sounds
Select this option to allow Traka32 to play sounds upon certain events.
Toolbar Style
The look and behaviour of the toolbars within Traka32 can be altered to match those of your operating
system. Simply select from Office 97, Windows 2000 or XP styles.
Window Open on Application Start
Select the Window you require to open when the Traka32 software is loaded. This will depend on the roll of
the workstation the software is installed upon or the application of the Traka32 software. For example motor
dealers often use the Key List for day to day administrations or a Fork Truck engineer may use the Fault List
to administer day to day truck faults.
Screen Refresh Interval
This option when enabled will automatically refresh any of the windows you have open in Traka32 to ensure
they are visually up to date with the database. You can define how often the refresh happens in increments
of one minute.
This is extremely useful if you have many copies of Traka32 connecting to the same database and you wish
to automatically refresh any open windows in Traka32 with the changes made by other users and auto
are enabled, this option is automatically disabled as the auto
communications inherently refresh any open windows.