V3.5 14/08/19
Page 259
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Check the integrity of the database each time the application starts
Select this option to enable the Database Integrity Checker to check the state of the database each
time the database is opened. Please refer to the
Auto Database Backup
This automatically prompts the backup of the database to a chosen location (we advise a backup
directory on your local hard drive or server). You may select the number of uses of the software
before the backup takes place.
Enable Auto Backup
Select this option to enable the auto backup facility. Clear this selection if you want to disable the
auto backup facility.
Enter the number of times the software has to be closed before the auto backup utility will prompt
you to back up the database.
Backup Path
Select the path to where you wish the database backup file to be located. To search for a backup path
simply click on the lower Browse button. When the backup prompt is displayed, you will be offered
the chance to alter the path if required.
Microsoft SQL Database
Settings File
This section allows you select the path for the T32Settings.ini file. The Settings File is Customisable
and allows certain applications to be active or inactive within Traka32.