V3.5 14/08/19
Page 238
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On 16bit Traka Systems, it is possible to select a language for each individual user. When a user identifies
themselves to a Traka System, the instructions on the LCD will show in the selected language. If the default
language is selected, then the default language of the Traka System will be displayed. Please refer to the
topic for currently supported languages.
User Group
User Picture
This feature allows you to attach an image of the user..
User Details
There are ten user definable fields and one notes field available to store details about the user. These fields
are only used within the Traka32 software for reporting on users. The heading for the user definable fields
can be altered from the
window or by clicking with the right mouse button on the field heading,
editing the information and pressing Enter.
System Access
Here you define the access code the user must use, the period of validity and the times of access.