MA Lighting Technology GmbH . Dachdeckerstr. 16 . D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn . eMail: [email protected]
Auch die Selektion von einzelnen Scannern kann gelöscht werden.
Press OFF key 1x (LED is on).
Click on the Fixture key in the Group Window or on the Fixture Name in the Fixture Sheet.
You can also deactivate parameter values of individual fixtures (Output will be set to Default or to an outputing
cue value).
Press OFF key 1x (LED is on).
Click on the activated value in the Fixture Sheet.
You can also delete activated values of entire function groups of selected fixtures (Output will be set to Default
of activated cue value).
Press OFF key 1x (LED is on).
Press a key for the respective function on the Preset Control Bar or click on that function within the Fixture
Special feature in Multi User mode
If multiple users (having different user profiles) on different consoles or PDAs are connected wihin one session,
the program will assign the changing of values to the very user who had actually made that specific change. That
means: commands like CLEAR or STORE will only refer to the changes of the respective user, without affecting the
programming work of another user.
Changes will be indicated by different colors in the Fixture, Channel and Fader sheet:
- red background = these values were set by the user of this console (only these values will be stored, OOPSed,
- grey background = these values were set by the user of another console (these values cannot be changed).
In order to modify grey, i.e. „alien“ values, you have to select them in advance.
When chaning these values, they receive a red background and, thus, become „own“ values; on the other
consoles of this session, these values will then immediately be displayed in grey.
So, if fixtures of multiple users are selected, the last modification will be assigned to the executing user
(LTP mode).
Compact Fixture Sheet
Compact Fixture Sheet
Compact Fixture Sheet
Compact Fixture Sheet
Compact Fixture Sheet
The Compact Fixture Sheet works in parallel to the Fixture Sheet, i.e. selections and changes are being displayed
in both Sheets. The difference lies in the arrangement of the fixtures and features as well as the adjustable
number of visible fixtures and features on the screen.
Comp Fixture Sheet Options
Comp Fixture Sheet Options
Comp Fixture Sheet Options
Comp Fixture Sheet Options
Comp Fixture Sheet Options
As opposed to the Fixture Sheet, you can here make the following additional selections under OPTIONS / SET-