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. Operating Manual grandMA Version 5.4
different graphic parameters like e.g. colors or Gobos that will then additionally be displayed in the Fixture Sheet.
These data will also be needed for the visualization on the grandMA 3D
These names and values are used when creating Presets in the Auto Create menu (
Auto Create - Creating
Presets, Effects and Group buttons automatically).
Presets will
be created automatically, if for the Ranges of Names
Visualize values from “X“ up to “Y“
are indicated (e.g.: 10-21)
! Otherwise, always - see column AutoGen.
Open this menu by pressing the Function Sets button in the Fixture Types menu (see 2 pages earlier).
Listing of the individual columns and their functions
Listing of the individual columns and their functions
Listing of the individual columns and their functions
Listing of the individual columns and their functions
Listing of the individual columns and their functions
No: Listing of the created names and appropriate values. If a number is displayed in red and with an asterisk,
this line has been modified.
Name: This name will only be displayed, if the value indicated for Range is reached. There are exceptions that
will be explained on the next page. You can select individual names using the left Encoder.
Range (Name): For these values, the names (Channel Values) will be displayed. The Start and End Ranges can
be adjusted using the two Encoders in the middle.
AutoGen: By choosing a cell and pressing the Encoder „No“ will be indicated, this means, that the presets will
be not automatically generated.
Visualize: Here, you can define what else is to be displayed in the Fixture, Stage-Sheet or grandMA 3D. You can
visualise either graphics (for Gobos) and colors or data plus units (e.g.: degrees for PAN/TILT or RPM for Gobo
Range (Visu.): These values will be displayed to indicate units (e.g.: with PAN/TILT degrees); e.g. Gobo rotation:
for a value of 1 - 20, 1 RPM -20 RPM will be displayed (Discrete values).
For the functions PAN and TILT the maximal deflection is here setted; important for Flip functions and
grandMA 3D views. E.g.: Pan -90 - 270 corresponds a maximal deflection of 360 degrees whereas the middle is
at 0 degrees (asymetric deflection). For Zoom and Iris the value-range between 0 and 1.
Extra: With this, you can define, what Gobos or colors will be displayed.
Mode: Here, you can set an additional condition for displaying the name.
With “Always“, you do not set a condition, and the name will always be displayed.
If, however, a function (Attribute) is selected and a Range set, this name will only be displayed, if the value (of
the Range) of this function has been set (condition).
Range (Mode): Value for the indicated function (mode).
Functions of the individual buttons:
Functions of the individual buttons:
Functions of the individual buttons:
Functions of the individual buttons:
Functions of the individual buttons:
By pressing the button
Add Line: you can insert a new name above the selected line.
Delete Line: you can delete the selected name, i.e. the complete line.
Percent Values: you can display the table values as percentages. By pressing the button, you can switch to
decimal or hexadecimal display.
to leave this menu. The settings will only take effect and be saved after leaving the Full Access menu and
pressing the SAVE button.