G5-series Linear Motors/Servo Drives With Built-in EtherCAT Communications
Sysmac Device
........................................................... 5-15
Sysmac Error (2002 hex)
............................................ A-49
Sysmac Error Status
................................................... 5-15
Target position (607A hex)
.......................................... A-65
Target torque (6071 hex)
............................................ A-64
Target velocity (60FF hex)
.......................................... A-75
Torque actual value (6077 hex)
.................................. A-65
Torque demand (6074 hex)
........................................ A-64
Torque offset (60B2 hex)
............................................ A-69
Touch Probe
............................................................... 7-39
Touch Probe Function
................................................. 7-39
Touch probe function (60B8 hex)
................................ A-69
Touch probe pos1 pos value (60BA hex)
.................... A-70
Touch probe pos2 pos value (60BC hex)
................... A-70
Touch probe status (60B9 hex)
................................... A-70
Touch Probe Trigger Selection (3758 hex)
................. 9-56
........................................................ 12-13
Troubleshooting Using the Operation State
.............. 12-28
Troubleshooting with Error Displays
......................... 12-13
Two-stage Force Filter Attenuation Term (3916 hex)
.... 9-65
Two-stage Force Filter Time Constant (3915 hex)
..... 9-65
Undervoltage Error Selection (3508 hex)
.................... 9-43
Variable PDO Mapping
................................................. 5-9
Velocity actual value (606C hex)
................................ A-64
Velocity offset (60B1 hex)
........................................... A-68
Vibration Detection Threshold (3637 hex)
.................. 9-53
Warning Hold Selection (3759 hex)
............................ 9-56
Warning List
................................................................ 12-6
Warning Mask Setting (3638 hex)
............................... 9-53
Warning Output Selection 1 (3440 hex)
...................... 9-40
Warning Output Selection 2 (3441 hex)
...................... 9-40
Warning Outputs (WARN1 and WARN2)
.................... 3-15
Wiring Conforming to EMC Directives
........................ 4-26
Zero Speed Detection (3434 hex)
............................... 9-36
Zero Speed Detection Output (ZSP)
........................... 3-14