Garmin G1000 NXi Pilot’s Guide for the Cessna NAV III
190-02177-02 Rev. A
Do not rely on the accuracy of attitude and heading indications in the following geographic
areas (due to variations in the earth’s magnetic field): North of 72° North latitude at all longitudes; South
of 70° South latitude at all longitudes; North of 65° North latitude between longitude 75° W and 120° W.
(Northern Canada); North of 70° North latitude between longitude 70° W and 128° W. (Northern Canada);
North of 70° North latitude between longitude 85° E and 114° E. (Northern Russia); South of 55° South
latitude between longitude 120° E and 165° E. (Region south of Australia and New Zealand).
Use appropriate primary systems for navigation, and for terrain, obstacle, and traffic avoidance.
Garmin SVT is intended as an aid to situational awareness only and may not provide either the accuracy or
reliability upon which to solely base decisions and/or plan maneuvers to avoid terrain, obstacles, or traffic.
Do not use the Garmin SVT runway depiction as the sole means for determining the proximity
of the aircraft to the runway or for maintaining the proper approach path angle during landing.
Do not rely on information from a lightning detection system display as the sole basis for
hazardous weather avoidance. Range limitations and interference may cause the system to display inaccurate
or incomplete information. Refer to documentation from the lightning detection system manufacturer for
detailed information about the system.
Do not rely solely upon the display of traffic information for collision avoidance maneuvering.
The traffic display does not provide collision avoidance resolution advisories and does not under any
circumstances or conditions relieve the pilot’s responsibility to see and avoid other aircraft.
Do not use TAWS information for primary terrain or obstacle avoidance. TAWS is intended only
to enhance situational awareness.
Do not use QFE altimeter setting outside of the terminal environment for the corresponding
issuing airport to ensure adequate obstacle clearance.
Do not fly QFE procedures above the Transition Altitude or when navigating to a waypoint that
contains a QNE (flight level) altitude constraint.
Always fly a procedure that provides terrain and obstacle clearance from the reference airfield
when operating in IMC while conducting QFE procedures.
Do not use SurfaceWatch
information as the primary method of flight guidance during airborne
or ground operations. SurfaceWatch does not have NOTAM or ATIS information regarding the current active
runway, condition, or information about the position of hold lines.