– Low Frequency Internal Oscillator (LFIOSC): On-chip resource used during power-saving
– Hibernate RTC oscillator (RTCOSC) clock that can be configured to be the 32.768-kHz
external oscillator source from the Hibernation (HIB) module or the HIB Low Frequency clock
source (HIB LFIOSC), which is located within the Hibernation Module.
■ Flexible reset sources
– Power-on reset (POR)
– Reset pin assertion
– Brown-out reset (BOR) detector alerts to system power drops
– Software reset
– Watchdog timer reset
– Hibernation module event
– MOSC failure
■ 128-bit unique identifier for individual device identification
Programmable Timers (see page 955)
Programmable timers can be used to count or time external events that drive the Timer input pins.
Each 16/32-bit GPTM block provides two 16-bit timers/counters that can be configured to operate
independently as timers or event counters, or configured to operate as one 32-bit timer or one 32-bit
Real-Time Clock (RTC). Timers can also be used to trigger analog-to-digital (ADC) conversions
and DMA transfers.
The General-Purpose Timer Module (GPTM) contains eight 16/32-bit GPTM blocks with the following
functional options:
■ Operating modes:
– 16- or 32-bit programmable one-shot timer
– 16- or 32-bit programmable periodic timer
– 16-bit general-purpose timer with an 8-bit prescaler
– 32-bit Real-Time Clock (RTC) when using an external 32.768-KHz clock as the input
– 16-bit input-edge count- or time-capture modes with an 8-bit prescaler
– 16-bit PWM mode with an 8-bit prescaler and software-programmable output inversion of the
PWM signal
– The System Clock or a global Alternate Clock (ALTCLK) resource can be used as timer clock
source. The global ALTCLK can be:
Hibernation Module Real-time clock output (RTCOSC)
June 18, 2014
Texas Instruments-Production Data
Architectural Overview