Communications Using iPort or RPComm
Using RPComm
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
There are three types of data stored in the unit’s internal data logger: filter
data, interval data and input data.
The Windows operating system screens shown in this section are
from the Windows 95 operating system. These screens may vary slightly
from your computer’s screens if you are operating RPComm under the
Windows 98 or Windows NT operating systems.
A storage pointer is a place marker in the internal data logger. When data is
downloaded from a unit, the downloading begins at the storage pointer
location and continues to the last written record. Once data has been
downloaded, the storage pointer position is set to the end of the storage
buffer so that the next time data is downloaded, only new data are output.
However, if the user wishes to download data only from a particular date,
for example, then the position of the storage pointer will need to be set.
There are three storage pointers used in the Partisol 2000
and 2000
Samplers, one for each type of data (filter, interval and input).
To set the storage pointer positions, go to the RPComm Main screen
Figure D–9
) and select the Storage Pointer tab. On the Storage Pointer
screen (
Figure D–10
), the storage pointer location for each data type will
be displayed. Refer to
Figure D–11
for a compete description of the control
buttons displayed on the Storage Pointer screen.
Figure D–10.
Storage Pointer Screen
Downloading Stored Data
Setting the Storage
Pointer Positions