Communications Using iPort or RPComm
Using RPComm
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Disconnect your computer from the modem.
Open the door to the Sampler. Attach the male end of the 9-to-9 pin
cable to the RS232 connector on the front of the unit. Close the unit’s
door ensuring that the 9-to-9 pin cable is placed in one of the slots on
the bottom of the door to allow it to close properly.
Attach the null modem adapter to the female end of the 9-to-9 pin
Not all null modem adapters can be used in this application because
pin connections are not standard. The null modem adapter (10-005671)
that is available from Thermo Fisher Scientific is acceptable for use with
the Sampler.
If your modem is equipped with a 9-pin connector, attach the cable
and null modem adapter to the modem. If your modem is equipped
with a 25-pin connector, attach a 9-to-25 pin serial adapter to the null
modem adapter and plug it into the modem.
Not all 9-to-25 pin serial adapters can be used in this application
because pin connections are not standard. The 9-to-25 pin serial adapter
(51-001079) that is available from Thermo Fisher Scientific is acceptable
for use with the Sampler.
Attach a phone line to the modem. The modem is now ready to
communicate with the unit.
The first two steps of this procedure describe setting up the unit for direct
communications. Direct communications must be successfully completed
before modem communications are attempted. This will verify that
RPComm and the unit have been configured properly.
The Windows operating system screens shown in this section are
from the Windows 95 operating system. The screens may vary slightly if
you are operating RPComm under the Windows 98 or Windows NT
operating systems.
Set up the Sampler for direct communications. Refer to “
Setup for Direct Communication
” on page
RPComm Setup for Use
through a Modem