Flow Calibration
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
repeatedly to return to the Main Menu. Scroll to Audit
and Calibration and press
to display the Audit and Calibration
menu. Scroll to Calibration and press
to display the Calibration
menu. Scroll to Flow and press
to display the Calibration For
Flow menu.
Flow controllers require a 15 minute warm-up prior to first
reading. All subsequent readings should be taken 2-3 minutes
(minimum) thereafter.
Default calibration setpoints are already entered into the Sampler.
Thermo recommends that these setpoints be used as they are
configured for 10% above and below the usual setpoint.
For the Partisol 2000
Sampler, the following values are recommended
for a three-point calibration of the 16.7 L/min flow rate setpoint:
Setpoint 1 (Min Flow): 15.0 L/min (10% below the usual 16.7
L/min set point)
Setpoint 2: The usual 16.7 L/min setpoint
Setpoint 3 (Max Flow): 18.4 L/min (10% above the usual 16.7
L/min set point)
For all desired operating setpoints, Thermo Fisher Scientific
recommends the minimum and maximum setpoints be 10% above and
10% below the normal operating flow setpoint.
Scroll to Setpoint 1 and press
to display the Setpoint 1 screen.
The Sampler will automatically open the proper valves and start the
pump. After a few seconds the flow will stabilize to the desired setpoint.
After the flow stabilizes, enter the actual flow rate measured by the
Flow Calibration Device installed in Step 4 above.
If using the Streamline FTS, instead of entering the flow value
measured by the Flow Calibration Device, enter the pressure drop (in
inches of H
O) in the Actual Flow field. The system will automatically
calculate the proper actual flow using the pressure drop and the
measured values of ambient pressure and temperature.
to return to the Calibration for Flow Menu.
Repeat Steps 6-8 for the remaining flow setpoints. The Sampler will
automatically calculate the Slope and Intercept when the calibration is