MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Master Communication
S-0-0024, Config. list of the master data telegram
S-0-0028, MST error counter
S-0-0029, MDT error counter
S-0-0088, Receive to receive recovery time (TMTSY)
S-0-0089, MDT Transmit starting time (T2)
S-0-0090, Command value proceeding time (TMTSG)
S-0-0096, Slave arrangement (SLKN)
S-0-0097, Mask class 2 diagnostics
S-0-0098, Mask class 3 diagnostics
S-0-0134, Master control word
S-0-0135, Drive status word
S-0-0143, Sercos interface version
S-0-0185, Length of the configurable data record in the AT
S-0-0186, Length of the configurable data record in the MDT
S-0-0187, List of configurable data in the AT
S-0-0188, List of configurable data in the MDT
S-0-0301, Allocation of real-time control bit 1
S-0-0303, Allocation of real-time control bit 2
S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1
S-0-0307, Allocation of real-time status bit 2
S-0-0413, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 1
S-0-0414, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 2
S-0-0415, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 1
S-0-0416, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 2
P-0-4027, Transmission length SERCOS interface
P-0-4029, SCSB diagnostics
P-0-4087, Baud rate SERCOS interface
Pertinent Diagnostic Messages
C0104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
C0105 Maximum length for MDT exceeded
C0106 Config. IDNs for AT not configurable
C0107 Maximum length for AT exceeded
C0108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
C0109 Position of data record in MDT (S-0-0009) even
C0110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
C0111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
C0112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
C0113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
C0114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
C0115 T2 too small
C0116 T3 (S-0-0008) within MDT (S-0-0089 + S-0-0010)
C0139 T2 (S-0-089) + length MDT (S-0-010) > TScyc (S-0-002)
F4001 Double MST failure shutdown
F4002 Double MDT failure shutdown
F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown
F4004 Error during phase progression