MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Extended Drive Functions
The analog channels are already adjusted at the factory and
the correction values are stored in the parameters P-0-3901
and P-0-3904.
The zero point for processing the analog input value can be automatically
shifted by activating command C2800 which allows compensating a
possibly existing offset. To do this, the following parameters are relevant:
P-0-0218, Analog input, control parameter
bit 0:
defines the step of adjust
(bit 0 = 0
zero point shifting)
bit 1:
defines the assignment channel for the adjust (A or B)
The result of automatic zero point shifting is directly entered in
P-0-0215, Analog input, assignment A, signal value at 0V
- or -
P-0-0238, Analog input, assignment B, signal value at 0V
It is also possible to define the reference point manually. To do this, enter
the value, that is to be contained in the target parameter with an analog
input voltage of 0 V, in P-0-0215 or P-0-0238.
Unit, decimal places and data type of the value in P-0-0215 or
P-0-0238 depend on the target parameter selected in
P-0-0213, Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
For scaling the analog input value to the desired range of values it is
possible to use the automatic amplification adjust. To do this, command
C2800 is started. With scaling, however, there are different starting
conditions (cf. P-0-0218 and P-0-0219) and the following parameters are
P-0-0218, Analog input, control parameter
bit 0:
defines the step of adjust
(bit 0 = 1
amplification adjust)
bit 1:
defines the assignment channel for the adjust (A or B)
P-0-0219, Analog input, maximum value for adjust
This parameter indicates the value to which the analog input is set
when the amplification adjust (P-0-0218, bit 0 = 1) is carried out.
The result of automatic amplification adjust is directly entered in
P-0-0214, Analog input, assignment A, scaling per 10V full scale
- or -
P-0-0237, Analog input, assignment B, scaling per 10V full scale
It is also possible to define the scaling manually. To do this, enter a value,
that corresponds to an analog input voltage difference of 10 V in the
target parameter (
pitch), in P-0-0214 or P-0-0237.
Unit, decimal places and data type of the value in P-0-0215 or
P-0-0238 depend on the target parameter selected in
P-0-0213, Analog input, assignment A, target parameter
Zero Point Shifting