Drive Control
MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Error messages of supply unit cleared via:
"Esc" button at display of supply unit
- and -
module bus, triggered by command
S-0-0099, C0500 Reset class 1
for an inverter of the mould group
Inverters can reset error messages of the supply unit via the
module bus as they do not have any master communication
interface. In the case of converters, error messages of the
integrated supply unit are reset via their own master
communication interface. Resetting error messages regarding
the supply has the highest priority in order that power supply
can be immediately reestablished!
The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals "ready for
operation" to the module bus when the required control voltage is
provided at the device and there isn’t any supply error present.
If the supply unit is no longer ready for operation due to an error, the
information is transmitted to the module bus with high priority because
power supply is no longer guaranteed.
The inverter or converter signals "ready for operation" to the module bus
when the required control voltage is provided at the device,
communication phase P4 has been reached and there isn’t any error
present in the inverter or inverter section of the converter.
The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals the following
states to the module bus:
After switching the mains voltage on, the voltage in the DC bus has
exceeded the minimum value, the charging process has been
completed and there is readiness for power output ("DC bus ok").
In the case of load, the voltage in the DC bus has fallen below the
minimum value or there is mains failure ("DC bus not ok").
When the voltage in the DC bus has fallen below the minimum value ("DC
bus not ok"), this is displayed via the inverters or converters connected to
the module bus and can be read by the control master via the master
communication (warning
E2026 Undervoltage in power section
or error
F2026 Undervoltage in power section
, depending on the power supply
configuration in P-0-0118). The control master can thereby detect
imminent overload in the supply circuit (mains) and react in an
appropriate way.
Data of minimum voltage in DC bus and of power supply
configuration (P-0-0118) are contained in the following section
"Basics on Power Supply".
The supply unit or the supply section of the converter signals "supply
overload prewarning" to the module bus if the power supply risks to
automatically switch off soon due to imminent overload. The warning can
be triggered due to high heat sink temperature or high braking resistor
load, for example.
The message "supply overload prewarning" is output via the inverters or
converters connected to the module bus (
E2086 Prewarning supply
module overload
). The control master can thereby detect imminent
supply overload and react in an appropriate way.
Supply Unit Ready for Operation
Inverters Ready for Operation
Voltage Messages of the Supply
Overload Warning of the Supply